Our facilities at a glance

Integrative kindergarten (Kremsdorfer Weg 50)

85 children from 3 years to school entry in 2 regular groups and 3 integrative groups

Our integrative kindergartenkindergarten is located in the immediate vicinity of the Kastanienhof daycare center and school. The group rooms are bright and child-friendly, so that children can feel comfortable with us from day one. A large outdoor area invites you to play. There are also plenty of places to retreat for breaks.

As an integration kindergarten, we offer 12 places for children with disabilities, supervised by trained, pedagogical staff.

Villa Kunterbunt (Göhler Street 50)

Mixed-age family group with 15 children (2 to 6-year-olds) & crèche group with 10 children (under 3)

Villa Kunterbunt is located on the access road to the Oldenburger Bruch, right next to the Schützenplatz. The villa has been freshly renovated and offers both groups plenty of space to feel at home with its special ambience and a beautiful outdoor area.

opening hours

Integration groups: 7:30am-13:30pm
Regular group 1: 7:00am-16:00pm
Regular group 2: 7:30am-15:30pm
Villa Kunterbunt: 7:30am-13:30pm


Anna Bang and Annemarie Parpart
Kremsdorfer Weg 53
23758 Oldenburg i. H.
Telephone: 0 43 61-49 45 96
Email: Kita-Kastanienhof@paritaet-sh.org

Our kindergarten from children's eyes

Admission criteria for our day care centers

All registrations are recorded on our waiting list. Proof of adequate measles protection is required for enrollment. Registration takes place via the KiTa database Schleswig-Holstein and directly at the KiTa in Kremsdorfer Weg for all facilities.

Criteria in the order of the waiting list are:

Our educational concept

The well-being of the child is at the center of our pedagogical activities. Our goal is for the children to become aware of every single day anew. By accepting children, respecting their needs, interests and wishes, we provide the child with an atmosphere in which he or she can feel comfortable. Only when this situation is given do children become active.

Inclusion as our goal

All children - regardless of the type and severity of their impairment, their origin or their social environment - can be admitted to our kindergarten centers if the framework conditions allow it. Our work has been characterised by integrative measures for years and the goal of an inclusive society accompanies every one of our plans.

Picking up on the children's lifeworlds

The implementation of inclusive work is oriented towards the situational approach, i.e. topics that currently occupy the children are prepared and worked on as learning content. The starting point for all planning and socio-pedagogical approaches is the individual child at his or her current stage of developmental psychology - with his/her current play and life needs & his/ her social situation within the group and family.

Diverse educational areas

In implementing the inclusive work at Kastanienhof Oldenburg, the following educational areas are taken into account: Body, health and movement | Language and its development | Mathematics, science and technology | Culture, society and democracy | Ethics, religion and philosophy | Music-aesthetic education and media | Sustainability

Empowering children

Children at Kastanienhof Oldenburg are enabled to deal with complex situations, to participate and to develop their own points of view in order to help shape society and the future in terms of sustainable development. Tolerance and understanding are to be awakened in all children.

50 years of integrative kindergarten at Kastanienhof Oldenburg